Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Devil Dog's New Low (Or Should I Say High)

Ok, let me set up this story...I woke up yesterday and the greenhouse was damaged from the storm, or so I thought. Some of the ribs had broken and the plastic was sagging. The plastic was ripped (just a little) all over. It wasn't heartbreaking just a nuisance....

I just got back from mailing orders (Yay!) and as I rounded the curve on my driveway I saw a black spot on top of the greenhouse....and then it became clear to me it was Devil Dog!!!!!! I would recognize those ears anywhere! What the hell! Sitting on top of the freakin' greenhouse. I can't even be mad because I'm still stunned. There she was, just sitting on top of the GREENHOUSE!!! No wonder it broke...she's absolutely going to be the death of me. If Mr. Plantfreak doesn't kill her first.


practicing peculiar said...

That's OK....I lost the cat for a few hours before realising I'd folded it up in the recliner.

Anonymous said...


Love your blog...it is too cool. I have two for you and Phyllis to check out.....Framed and Tagged and the other is Fun In The Making...you will love them.

Sandy (aka Phyl's Mom)

Carla said...

congratulations to your winners (post above), I had to comment on your devil dog. What a smart fella! Maybe alittle too smart!

Jendy said...

I once had a dog that could climb a ladder and get on the garage roof...! I'm now not surprised at what a determined dog can accomplish.