Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just What I Needed

A jacked up computer! The kids have done something to it and I can't seem to fix it. If I can't get it to work tonight, then off it goes to the computer place. because I really wanted to spend money on that. Crap, crap, crap!

I'll see you when I see you...(pouting)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ick, Ick, Ick!

Grandpa Sute hatched those damn snake eggs!

Every nightmare I had growing up looked like this! I have creepy crawlies up my spine just looking at these pictures!

Dad says they are black if I would spend enough time around a snake to distinguish what kind it is.

I'll be imagining snakes in every nook and cranny for a week!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Market Mania

We did the festival this weekend and it was a ton of fun! There was great music...even Grandpa Sute would have approved and there were lots of interesting people. It was sooooooo friggin' hot though. I'm pretty sure Texas was Dante's inspiration on at least one of the circles of hell, if not all of them!

I was still upset about the lack of pretty plants in my greenhouse so I cheated a little and bought plants from a wholesale nursery in Tyler. Great people! Penny and Roger live on 23 acres and run their fabulous nursery. My dream job! It was the cleanest nursery I've ever seen!

I sold enough to cover expenses plus extra....I even sold a fairy garden. I decided to build a fairy garden in one of the old wheelbarrows I bought and everyone just went nuts over it. Mark and I had to laugh because just as many men were fascinated by it as women...including a couple of big, burly bikers. Maybe I should make an action figure garden?! Hmmm...

The festival was such a success that they are planning to do another in October and I will be there. With bells on...and fairy gardens made...and succulents planted...and whatever else I can think of!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Headed To Market

The Gypsy Market that is! This is the first G.M. Festival ever and I signed up to sell plants.

I'm a little apprehensive...this horrible heat took it's toll on the plants and I don't have a ton of stuff that looks great. It's a little 10x10 booth so hopefully I can scrounge up some stuff. I'm excited though about meeting some of the people in Mineola. People say it's an artistic community and I really want to get to know that crowd. I just really don't want to be embarrassed by what plants I have. Whine, whine, whine! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Evolution Of Phyllis

When I first started at the paying job, Phyllis and I clicked right away and became fast friends. This what Phyllis looked like.

Then Phyllis went and got a haircut. I think it's the perfect hairstyle for her.....
This is what Phyllis had done last week! She went for purple streaks but they turned out blue.
Talk about coming out of your shell! She says I'm a bad influence. I say the influence isn't all bad! I'll keep you up to date on any future adventures and acts of daring do by Fearless Philly the superhero of women who refuse to act their age!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Talk About Tired!

It's pretty bad when you try to climb a chair and fall asleep in the middle!

Friday, July 17, 2009


It's finally raining !!! We have been so friggin' hot and dry! I think I just heard Texas sizzle!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Plantfreak?

I just realized that I haven't spoken about plants at all in Oh, the last 50 posts! New people coming to the blog are probably wondering "Why Plantfreak? All I see is pet pics and silliness."

So....I am going to attempt a weekly post that spotlights one of my plants in my nursery. I'm working on a description list for the nursery anyway and thought that there might be a few gardening nerds out there like me.

Today's plant pick is Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'. It has sold exceptionally well for me this year and my hummingbirds can't get enough! 'SBB' had been around for awhile (developed in 1946), but it has stood the test of time and was named Perennial of the Year in 1993 by the The Perennial Plant Association. That's pretty good after all these years.

I love the color on this plant! It's hardy from zones 3-8 and takes full sun to part shade. I think here in Texas it likes some serious afternoon relief from this freakishly hot sun. The leaves are broad and crinkly which adds a little somethin' somethin' to the overall appearance.

Like I said before my hummingbirds go crazy over it, as well as the butterflies. It's also good for cut flowers which I think my grandmother would have loved for her famous flower arrangements.

The bunnies do NOT like 'Sunny Border Blue' which is also a positive, and in doing my research on the plant I found that it is somewhat salt tolerant. Interesting since it doesn't like high humidity, but if you have water that contains salts 'SBB' can survive.

'SBB' gets about 2' tall, and about that wide as well. One tip I found was to shear it back by half after the first flowering to keep it neat and tidy. This should induce more blooming, although I have not trimmed mine back and they are still showing plenty of blooms.

I think when I get around to landscaping my yard (HAHA, GUFFAW, CHORTLE!!!) I want to have one area that is an English/cottage garden. 'Sunny Border Blue' is definitely included!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Please send your prayers to Page's family in Mobile, AL. Her father "Bub" has passed away. I met Mr. Hope when Page and Grandpa Sute got married and I've always thought he was just the sweetest man. Whenever we had a family gathering at the cottage, you could just give Mr. Hope good food, good conversation, a beer, and a place to sit by the water and he was a happy camper.

When I got the news I shed tears, not just because of his passing, but also because I hate that Page has to go through that pain. It puts a terrible hole in your heart. I wish that I could do more for her...this is the downside to living 10 hours away from family. I know that she has Dad and also a wonderful family and she will be okay.

Like I said, send your prayers and good thoughts South.

Monday, July 6, 2009

This Is What I Get ...

for putting off doing the laundry! Look at the clothes hamper! It's infested with kittens!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Drunken Devil Dog

BELLLCHH! Anybody (hic) got a lime?

Inside The Paying Job

The boss at the paying job has high end decorating tastes...therefore we carry a lot of high end decorations. It's amazing to see what will sell and for how much. But it sells, and that's the point! She also loves to rearrange, or "fluff' as we call it. Here are some of the vignettes she has fluffed lately.
Gnomes, mushrooms, and Faux are a few of her favorite things.

I was absolutely in love with this pot and thought about getting it for Page as a gift at some point...till I saw the tag. $110 for the pot and $20 for the plant. Maybe lime isn't a good color for Page......I gaurantee this will sell though. They always do.

Laurie decided to have a fairy tea party and invited all her friends. I should have gotten closer pics, because there a re a lot of little details in here that are really cute. If you click on the picture and look close up you can see some of them.

Here is a shot of the full table. I am in love witht hte seahorse for some reason. Maybe because I miss the beach a little? The owl reminds of Harry Potter.
More gnomes, mushrooms, and Faux Bois. I think Laurie is the reason I'm on a mushroom kick. I have to admit I've come to like gnomes and Faux Bois too. I just can't afford most of it.
When Laurie re-fluffs I'll take pics and post them for you.
Folks, I have added a new blog to my blog list. It's Common Ground. You should pop by there and say hi!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Paying Job

I took the camera to the paying job yesterday and took some pictures to share with you.
These are the front beds planted with impatiens. They look so good!
I do a ton of mixed plantings, it's one of my favorite activities.

I love the colors in this one.

I made this mixed planting to be able to handle the sun and heat. It's doing pretty well so far.

Here is a shot of the formal courtyard.Not a great picture but in person the waterfall is gorgeous. I love the iron bicycle.Here is a design DON'T- I put pentas and scavoela together in the narrow beds of the formal garden. I absolutely hate it. It looks messy and weedy...I won't make that mistake again.

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll post some of the inside shots I took. Have a fun day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words

Here is everyone following the teacher, wearing kid type clothes, listening intently....while I on the other hand, am going the opposite direction, dancing, probably singing a song (in my head) and wearing something a little...different.

It's not quite a 1000 words but it's an apt description of my personality then, and now.