Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Plantfreak?

I just realized that I haven't spoken about plants at all in Oh, the last 50 posts! New people coming to the blog are probably wondering "Why Plantfreak? All I see is pet pics and silliness."

So....I am going to attempt a weekly post that spotlights one of my plants in my nursery. I'm working on a description list for the nursery anyway and thought that there might be a few gardening nerds out there like me.

Today's plant pick is Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue'. It has sold exceptionally well for me this year and my hummingbirds can't get enough! 'SBB' had been around for awhile (developed in 1946), but it has stood the test of time and was named Perennial of the Year in 1993 by the The Perennial Plant Association. That's pretty good after all these years.

I love the color on this plant! It's hardy from zones 3-8 and takes full sun to part shade. I think here in Texas it likes some serious afternoon relief from this freakishly hot sun. The leaves are broad and crinkly which adds a little somethin' somethin' to the overall appearance.

Like I said before my hummingbirds go crazy over it, as well as the butterflies. It's also good for cut flowers which I think my grandmother would have loved for her famous flower arrangements.

The bunnies do NOT like 'Sunny Border Blue' which is also a positive, and in doing my research on the plant I found that it is somewhat salt tolerant. Interesting since it doesn't like high humidity, but if you have water that contains salts 'SBB' can survive.

'SBB' gets about 2' tall, and about that wide as well. One tip I found was to shear it back by half after the first flowering to keep it neat and tidy. This should induce more blooming, although I have not trimmed mine back and they are still showing plenty of blooms.

I think when I get around to landscaping my yard (HAHA, GUFFAW, CHORTLE!!!) I want to have one area that is an English/cottage garden. 'Sunny Border Blue' is definitely included!

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