Sunday, July 26, 2009

Market Mania

We did the festival this weekend and it was a ton of fun! There was great music...even Grandpa Sute would have approved and there were lots of interesting people. It was sooooooo friggin' hot though. I'm pretty sure Texas was Dante's inspiration on at least one of the circles of hell, if not all of them!

I was still upset about the lack of pretty plants in my greenhouse so I cheated a little and bought plants from a wholesale nursery in Tyler. Great people! Penny and Roger live on 23 acres and run their fabulous nursery. My dream job! It was the cleanest nursery I've ever seen!

I sold enough to cover expenses plus extra....I even sold a fairy garden. I decided to build a fairy garden in one of the old wheelbarrows I bought and everyone just went nuts over it. Mark and I had to laugh because just as many men were fascinated by it as women...including a couple of big, burly bikers. Maybe I should make an action figure garden?! Hmmm...

The festival was such a success that they are planning to do another in October and I will be there. With bells on...and fairy gardens made...and succulents planted...and whatever else I can think of!

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