Friday, July 3, 2009

The Paying Job

I took the camera to the paying job yesterday and took some pictures to share with you.
These are the front beds planted with impatiens. They look so good!
I do a ton of mixed plantings, it's one of my favorite activities.

I love the colors in this one.

I made this mixed planting to be able to handle the sun and heat. It's doing pretty well so far.

Here is a shot of the formal courtyard.Not a great picture but in person the waterfall is gorgeous. I love the iron bicycle.Here is a design DON'T- I put pentas and scavoela together in the narrow beds of the formal garden. I absolutely hate it. It looks messy and weedy...I won't make that mistake again.

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll post some of the inside shots I took. Have a fun day!

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