Monday, May 25, 2009

It's been a somber weekend at the Plantfreak house. Saturday we lost one of our little kittens-she was fine one day and gone the next.

That was bad enough but then Mr. Plantfreak ran over Spunky, one of our dogs. She was my little cuddlebunny. Mr. Plantfreak feels horrible...he liked Spunky best out of all the animals. Sorry to make another depressing entry, but it's what I've got going on right now. If Spunky were here rightnow she would be sitting in my lap watching me type.

I have to work First Monday this week so I doubt I'll be blogging. I'll try to work on a sunnier attitude too.


Carla said...

Blessings to you during your recent losses. Bummer...

practicing peculiar said...

Sending {{{hugs}}} my pets are my peeps, I know how you're feeling xox

Jacque said...

So sorry, sounds like a run of sad stuff. Wishing you better days ahead~Jacque