Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Thankfully we missed out on the bad weather that everyone else seems to have received. It's still pretty freakin' cold. It's long as I'm looking out the window at it.

On a warmer note, I started some of my tomato seeds today. The boss at the paying job wants to sell some veggies this year, mostly heirloom and gourmet. I'm tossing around the idea of selling tomato seedlings on Etsy. Maybe some herbage~culinary~not the illegal kind.

We finally put up the plastic on the greenhouse (late, I know) and I am just itching to get out there and pot up my sedums! Dang this cold weather!

1 comment:

Pretty Things said...

I know I'm a weirdo, but I love the cold.

Except when it's windy. Then it blows up my nose and I can't breathe and I rethink my choice!