Anyone that knows me knows that I have been addicted to Diet Coke for, Oh, about 25 years. I have also used artficial sweeteners for forever.
About two months ago I ran out of my sweetener and when we went to the store (WM of course), they were out...for weeks. So I used sugar. Then one day, one of my employees got regular Coke by accident, so I traded with her and lied about drinking reg. coke. It sat there for days and I drank it out of despaeration one day. I could swear it is the nectar of the gods!
I have now given up the sweeteners, diet coke, and ugghh, margarine. We only use the real thing now. Believe it or not, I have lost weight (lost sleep too, but that's another matter) I only allow myself one coke a day, and I'm very sparing with the sugar. Butter, is another story. Butter is awesome on everything!