Sunday, October 16, 2011

Special Time of Year

My favorite weekend of the year!  Highway....80...Garage...Sale!!!
 I got this Fab little shelf for $5!!  The little elf on the bottom and the milk glass bowl also came from this weekend.  I  made the skull last year.

I could not resist these little boxes.  Another $5
I did a little re-arranging and added some new finds.

I got more stuff but I haven't put it all out yet.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Two Goodwill Aniversaries

The other day we had a luncheon for Chris and Andrea for their 14 year anniversay at Goodwill.  14 years!  I don't think I've ever lived in one place for 14 years, much less worked somewhere that long. 
 I think they were truly surprised.
We had S'mores cake, it was surprisingly good!

 Chris "Sargent" Largent, Andrea "Doodlebug" Gilbreath, and Jeanette "Cheeseball" Jones
 Now Chris is "Admiral" Largent
Someone has a tiger in their pants!  I wonder who?!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gypsy Girls

Last Saturday was the Gypsy Market festival and it was a blast!  We had a Goodwill booth and it was surprising how many people would say "There is a Goodwill in Mineola?" OMG!!!!

We all dressed like Gypsies.  This is LIZard.  That's what I call her anyway.

We had some fabulously shabby chic stuff.  This rooster sold in abouty 20 minutes of unpacking.
I'm having so much fun at Goodwill!  I think LIZard did too, but she hates taking pictures.
This is Jeanette.  Without her, I would have run screaming from this job in the first two weeks!
Everything on top of this cabinet sold right away.  The cabinet is still at the store and I think I need it.  Where I'll put it in the house is a whole 'nother story.  Someone come in and buy it to save me from myself!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Real Thing

Anyone that knows me knows that I have been addicted to Diet Coke for, Oh, about 25 years.  I have also used artficial sweeteners for forever.

About two months ago I ran out of my sweetener and when we went to the store (WM of course), they were out...for weeks.  So I used sugar.  Then one day, one of my employees got regular Coke by accident, so I traded with her and lied about drinking reg. coke.  It sat there for days and I drank it out of despaeration one day.  I could swear it is the nectar of the gods!

I have now given up the sweeteners, diet coke, and ugghh, margarine.  We only use the real thing now.  Believe it or not, I have lost weight (lost sleep too, but that's another matter)  I only allow myself one coke a day, and I'm very sparing with the sugar.  Butter, is another story.  Butter is awesome on everything!