Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Thankfully we missed out on the bad weather that everyone else seems to have received. It's still pretty freakin' cold. It's long as I'm looking out the window at it.

On a warmer note, I started some of my tomato seeds today. The boss at the paying job wants to sell some veggies this year, mostly heirloom and gourmet. I'm tossing around the idea of selling tomato seedlings on Etsy. Maybe some herbage~culinary~not the illegal kind.

We finally put up the plastic on the greenhouse (late, I know) and I am just itching to get out there and pot up my sedums! Dang this cold weather!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why didn't I think of this earlier?!?

I've been entering all these giveaways in the One World One Heart event and I haven't set up my own giveaway. I didn't think I had anything to offer but then it hit me; I have my plants!!! Duh! Here is what I can offer...the winner can choose to receive 4 potted sedums of their choosing OR the winner can choose to receive Sedum cuttings in bulk. This is 5-6 cuttings of each sedum in my nursery. After all, I AM the plantfreak!
Check out my shop for all the varieties of my sedums. I will send the winner a list to choose from if they pick the potted plants. International participants can only receive cuttings from me due to shipping regulations. Just leave a comment before February 11th so I can get in touch with you. I will announce the winner February 12th. I guess it's better late than never!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

This Just In...

I just added a bucketload of blogs and their latest entries. Have fun!!!

Something New Every Day

I added a widget to the bottom of my blog page. It displays one word in French every day and will even pronounce it for you! It would only take what...10 years to get through the whole language? Snicker. I like it anyway!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Give, Give, Giveaway!

Sharon at My Vintage Studio loves to give things away and today is no exception! All you have to do is go to her blog and leave a comment on what inspires you in your daily life. I have a long list of things that inspire but I have to say that my buddy Phyllis is at the top. She is always coming up with great ideas for crafties and that always gets my brain whirring around.

Pherenike at also has a giveaway! It's kind of like viral visit one blog and it leads you to all these other great blogs. I llike it!

Ok, Pherenike's giveaway is this;
It's a print not an actual book. I like this too.

Yet another great giveaway is from Sherry at Got Art? Visit her blog to win this clock!
She has a teenage boy too...Oh the horror!

Last but not least, Jann at A Vintage Heart has not one giveaway but three!
Here is a pic of one of her little prizes.Go to her blog and enter!

I had not even planned to post this morning but nowI've entered all the blogs and have new blogs to explore! Of course, now I have to leave for the paying job. That just sucks out all the fun! Tomorrow....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giveaways, Gossip, and Twilight

Ok, I have several things to talk about today...

First, I just found two wonderful giveaways. is giving away a gift certificate to her etsy store and there are some gorgeous items to be had.
Also... is giving away some journals that she made. My entry is for the Holly Golightly version.

Ok, so my friend Rhonda sends me an instant message and all it is is a link.

At first I didn't recognize this person until I saw one of the alias names....that was our class homecoming queen!!!! Un freaking believable!!!

I'll admit the young boys/men are way better looking these days than when I was in high school...or maybe I'm just so old I can't remember back that far, but Ewww! They are little kids! I mean Cody is 15-my child!

Rhonda says she was always a little "giving" at least to the guys. I know that's an ugly thing to say but in the words of Forrst Gump, "Ugly is as Ugly does" and what she did was UGLY.

And she was convicted not once but twice! And she's flippin' smiling in her mugshot! Just too bizarre.

Ok, now that I've given my opinion on that subject let me sigh over becoming a Twilighter. I fought the good fight against becoming a 40 something Mom obsessed with Twilight and Edward Cullen....I lost. My friends at work had the books, I hadn't read a fictional book in years (they are always how-to books), and I thought why not see what all the fuss is about. Got sucked into that vortex by Chapter 4. I think it's all about striking that chord in the teenage girl we used to be. Prince Charming, storybook romances, and all that garbage we used to dream about.

I have to say that the Author (Stephanie Meyer) is a wonderful writer. My creative little over-imaginative brain saw every scenario she described. At times, those images brought out emotions I didn't expect...but then again, I have night sweats and hot flashes and tiny little (ok really big and ugly) chin hairs popping up. Draw your own conclusions about the emotion thing.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tired Of Winter

It's that time of year when the holidays are over and everyone is ready for Spring (plant people, that is) I can tell by the flurry of orders in my Etsy shop. I'm shipping my little sedums all over the country! One customer in LA is making a living wall-she promised pictures and I can't wait until it's finished. Another customer does sedum topiaries on Etsy Very pretty stuff. I'm partial to the Victorian Slipper.

I never got around to telling anyone that I splintered off my craft stuff into 2 Etsy shops. One has Fairy Garden type things (not that much just yet) and it's .
The other is random vintage items and things that my buddy Phyllis and I make and it's . Here are some little gift boxes that I listed.

Not enough hours in the day to do all the fun stuff!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Birthday Dish

Oh Kjirsten! If only I could have that kind of Birthday again. I'm afraid I'm such a lightweight these days that one drink would knock me out in 20 minutes.

I played hooky from work all week and went in on my Friday. My son said "what kind of person stays home all week long and goes to work on her birthday?" To which I replied (in a very smartass way) "A person who's getting a birthday lunch complete WITH cake!"

I've been on my low carb diet for 2 weeks now, and I splurged on Friday. Karen made a fabulous creamy mushroom and wild rice soup to which she added roast beef. I'm drooling just thinking of it. Andy being the lone guy in the group brought bread. Bread! I miss bread. I was as excited about the bread as I was the cake! I threatened to put the bread on top of the cake and eat it.

The cake! Red Velvet, one of my absolute favorites(courtesy of Phyllis)! Grandmother Sage used to make it and was it good! Mica brought fruit salad soaked in a ginger syrup. Yum! To that we added spinach salad, and some bread dipping sauce. Highlight of my day!

I also received a birthday gift in the mail...Grandpa Sute and Page sent me a cookbook! Yay! If you know me then you know that I am obsessed with cookbooks! I read them like novels.

This book has a ton of old southern favorites, new southern favorites, and southern with a twist. Has anyone ever tried Bacon Pralines? At first I thought; Ewww!, but then...might be good.

My friends at work also got together and bought me a gift card to Kiepersol Estates. It's a local Texas winery, and I have become a huge fan of Texas wines.

My buddy Barbara who knows my cooking obsession got a subscription to Cooking with Paula Deen. I cannot wait!

So...not that wild and crazy. But I'm too out of shape for wild and crazy, so this one was just perfect! Maybe if I start training now for next year....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Trip Around The Sun...

And here I am at 41!

I'll update on my "wild and crazy" birthday (snicker) later!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Very First

Award, that is. Planet Hartwell thoughtfully chose to give me this award. I think that is just the sweetest. Especially for her reason why. Here it is in her words.

Kimberly alias Plant Freak from Texas, my cyber sister!! She's living my life....I swear, there's a cosmic DNA link in there somewhere!! You make me remember to laugh at all my disasters, cos you're doing them too!!

This is called The Proximity Award. "These blogs believe and invest in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers, who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their awards".

I nominate:

The Feathered Nest - I just love her work and her absolute glee about becoming a grandmother. What a lucky baby!

SassyTrash - Her creativity is very inspiring!

Garden Antiques - She's a Texas girl! GA also introduced me to a whole other world of bloggers that I love to frequently cruise.

The Vintage Journal - I'm new to this blogger but I'm already hooked!

Cherry Hill Cottage - I don't think I've ever left a comment, but CHC was one of the first blogs that I started following regularly.

Mommy, Esquire - She's family! Also, she's pretty dang funny.

I know it's not eight but it's the ones I feel qualify. Naturally, if Planet Hartwell wasn't the person who nominated me...she would be my first pick!

PS. All the links to these bloggers is on the side column. Please check them out!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Finds

I've come across some interesting new blogs that I thought I might share with you.
This blog gives techniques on altered art, inking ,and even a little clay in there. It's perfect for a newbie like me!
This artistic blogger has some great ideas to share!
Both of these blogs would be considered gothic and slightly macabre, but I love some of the antiques they post. I also like their unique imagery and presentation.

I have more blogs to share with you but not enough time. I have to show up at the paying job once in awhile! Enjoy the blogs and have an interesting day!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Have you ever seen the priceless commercials? Of course you have, what a stupid question. Well, I love the Priceless parodies that travel the email circuit. My friend Purple Priscilla (that's all she wears) sent this one and it's pretty dang funny!

Running stop light = $100.00

DUI = $350.00

Not wearing a seat belt = $150.00

Putting you & your girlfriend's photo on your fake drivers license = PRICELESS! - - - - - - - - -

'Counterfeit I.D. of the week'. This is an actual Drivers License from a traffic stop.

What I also find funny is that it's from Pearl MS. My mother-in-law lives close to Pearl.

Hope it gave you a giggle!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Holy Cow! A Year Already?!

Today marks the one year anniversary of my blogging endeavors. I'm shocked! 2008 was an up and down year for me, and it shows on the blog. I look forward to sharing my world with you for yet another year!
I promised the other day to post pictures of my grandmother Nonie. And here they are!
Nonie is the looker in the middle. I think they were doing their sexy pose.
I just love this picture of Nonie in the pigpen. She was a total germophobe (made up word) in her later years!

Dad said he found this picture torn up. I guess Nonie didn't want anyone to see her in a bathing suit. She didn't look too terribly thrilled with the photographer at the time either.This is a shot of Nonie and my grandfather looking very Great Gatsby. Definitley a sharp dressed couple.

Raise your glass to another year of fun blogging!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Facebook Revolution, Redneck Innovation

A friend finally got me to join Facebook. Don't ask me to explain because I'm not sure what the heck I'm doing on there. It's kind of like a network of people and there is a running thread as if you are talking to all your friends.

You can send each other virtual drinks or virtual gifts, join "clubs", post pictures, etc. What I do know is that there are an unbelievable amount of people that I went to High School with on there. I'm seeing names I haven't thought of in years...and some that I can't remember to save my life.

I had a "cute" little nickname in school bestowed on me by Timmy Hebert, the resident hottie of 9th grade. Wonder what he looks like now. Hmmm...I probably don't even want to know. Ok, so the nickname was a play on my maiden name which is Sute and it rhymes with booty. I'm not sure people at that school even know my first name, and I know I haven't been called Sute Booty in about 100 years...until Facebook.

One of the guys, Chris B. posted a ton of pictures and sent me down memory lane big time. One picture got me laughing though and it had nothing to do with nostalgia...

It's a...

wait for it...

Redneck Fire Alarm!
You just have to know that I find Redneck inventions hilarious! Say what you want but redneck inventions show ingenuity. It ain't purty, but it works.

Some inventions are out of necessity.



And some redneck creations are made to show individuality and flair.

I know that some of these are manufactured for the sole purpose of making fun of rednecks, but some are real and I hope all of them leave you with a giggle. Try to look at things in a redneck way for a day...If I don't have it, I'll make it! If it breaks I'll just make it work. And if it's boring, I'll make it "speshul!"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Start's time for those damned old resolutions. Since Mom passed away my world hasn't been that bright and sunny, it's been a little gray and somewhat murky. All my happy moments make me think of Mom and all the things she is going to miss. It's been a self-sabotaging habit and it's given me a cynical "why bother?" attitude.

Therefore... one of my resolutions is to stop my little pity party. I have so many things that are positive in my life and it's time I start dwelling on all the possibilities that 2009 will bring me.

Therefore...another resolution is to get myself into an organized routine. I have been a scatterbrain for most (all) my life and at least if I have a routine I can be a scatterbrain and still accomplish the things I need to do. If I don't get organized, how can I take full advantage of those opportunities?

My house, while I love the property it is on, is just plain ugly. I have a roof and we have plenty of space but the people we bought the house from...I don't know what they were thinking.

Therefore...this is the year for a home makeover. Actually, it's may take more than a year but this is the year to start.

Once summer heat took hold around here my plant sales slacked off and so did we on working in the greenhouse. It's pretty messy now and I don't like it.

Therefore...I resolve to spend at least 15 hours a week at my greenhouse. I think this will also help me with resolution #1. I'm always happier playing in the dirt.

My boys are the most important things in the world to me. Cody has the capacity to lay the world at his feet but lacks the ambition, while AJ has ambitious goals but soo many obstacles.

Therefore...It's time to focus more on their well-being. I need to make Cody understand that he has to do more than just get by, he needs to excel. I also need to spend more time giving AJ the tools to achieve his goals. This means focusing more on reading and comprehension more than anything else. I believe if you have that then you can learn anything.

My maternal grandfather died at age 43 from a heart attack, and my mother had her first heart attack at 43. I'll be 41 this year and my family has a history of heart disease on both sides and diabetes on one side. It's time to get my shit together. I'm at least 45 pounds overweight, and I'm sure my cholesterol is sky high.

Therefore...this is the year to get healthy. This means eating better (hard because I love to bake) and exercising. I resolve to exercise every morning even if it's only stretching.

Ok, you think that's enough? Reading this makes my life look like a mess. I have so much to be thankful for and this year I'm going to concentrate on the positive and correct the negative.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful year and I would love to hear your resolutions! Maybe sharing will help us all achieve them .