Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Playin' In Dirt...And The Bugs

My husband potted up this little creation. I love, love, love it! What do you think?

These are butterflies that I (and helpers) have caught and I pinned them myself. I think it turned out pretty nice. I identified them all down to family...of course that will only impress other bug nerds. I'm working on a frame that has tropical butterflies (found it at a garage sale), and it's proving to be much tougher.

I'll post assorted pictures of the rest of my collection later. I'm sure that's all the bug love you can handle for now. P. S. I do so love friends who catch bugs for me....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two in One

When we moved into our house the previous owners left a chicken coop. It's the kind you hang. Well, it's become a Kitty Coop now. This is Chunky Monkey (left) and Tiger (right)...and don't ask me how I know!
I love this picture, it's so sweet! Chunky has no tail, but Tiger does have a nub!

I also took some begonia cuttings. Mark set up an old aquarium for me and we covered it with saran wrap to increase the humidity. Instead of cutting the leaves into pieces I decided to slit the mid veins and stick the whole leaf into the soil. This should produce multiple plants per leaf.
I hope they work! There are some pretty ones here. I'll let you know in a few weeks.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

...And Then He Does This!

I love my husband. Really, I do. I get aggravated with him on a regular basis and I really do want another bedroom so he can sleep there (Snoring!!!). He does some really boneheaded things sometimes...and then he does this!

Our nursery is called THE GARDEN SAGE (That's a nod to my step-dad A.K.A. Ol'Man). Mark mocked up a label for me and it's perfect!! The tag line under the nursery name says "fine perennials and succulents". That's what we plan to market.

I love the label-It looks like we have a little class. Snicker.

I think it's pretty. Would you buy this?? The retail price on this would be $9.99.

Pet Du Jour Part Deux: Itty Bitty

We had a batch of kittens last summer. Only one out of the whole batch had tails. Itty Bitty was a little runt we didn't think would make it. He proved us wrong!

Not sure what he's trying to tell me in this last pic.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ebay and Etsy

OMG!! I just found a website called Etsy! It's a website like Ebay but they sell handmade items. Very cool! Fell in love and I gotta go back. The link is under Favorite Links. Happy Etsying!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Plants, Pets, Kids-In That Order

I've shown you my root-bound babies, and my two-legged babies refuse to take a now I'm showing off my four-legged babies.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a plethora of animals (look it up folks, that means a lot) and it's impossible to show them all in one posting. Therefore, I'm going showcase one pet du jour.

This is Digger --A.K.A. Diggy, Dumbass, or SissyBoy, depending on the situation.

He's always stinky, can't see for the hair in his eyes, can wake up from a dead sleep at the word t-r-e-a-t, and his favorite spot is in between Mark and I.

Love my little Diggy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cheese Everyone!

My boys and I went to Alabama for the Christmas holidays to visit family. My grandmother is getting on in years and has Alzheimer's, so we wanted to see her for the holidays while she can still remember us. We were able to get all the kids, grandkids, and great grands together for a photo op. Now I know there were at least 4 cameras why is the only picture I receive is the one where I look like I'm about to throttle the living daylights out of someone. Oh well, my sister always introduces me to her friends as the "mean one" anyway!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Shorty's in the Greenhizzouse!!

Sorry about the title. My first Common-Tater, Orangutan Man got me all thuggin'!! Not too bad for an old lady huh O.M.? Didn't realize anyone but family (this includes you Phyllis) was reading this .

This folks, is my pride and joy...that is after the kids. It's not a commercial size 18x44, but it ain't a toy either.

I'm growing some great stuff!

I'm so ready for Spring!!

...and the sales to go with them$$$
If I list will you buy?
Coming Soon! Family pics!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lordy,Lordy, I Guess I'm 40

Had my 40th birthday a few days ago.....nothing special. My parents are the having a hard time with it. My dad sends a card telling me "One more year until the big one!" Sorry Dad, already there. It must be bad when your so old your family can't remember your age. Mom hates my birthday since I'm the oldest, cuz' then she can't fudge her age. Why bother?My stepdad started reminiscing and getting sappy. OMG! Wait until I'm dead. Please!

My friend Phyllis took me out to lunch and then we went antiqueing. Perfect day for me. I found a few treasures to restore. No presents from the kids although my youngest handed me the Starbuck's coffee ice cream and a spoon and said "Happy Birthday". I'll settle for that. My oldest did cook dinner for me...after I made him feel bad for not even acknowledging the happy day. I'm not really sure if the hubby even said anything. I'm not surprised though. If you don't prep him for a few weeks it just won't happen.

Almost forgot, my little sister called me an old hag for birthday. It's tradition, very heartwarming. That's okay, people always ask which one of us is the oldest. That would be me by nine years and it just pisses her off. Hee-Hee

I far as I can tell, 40 feels just like any other age. It just takes a little longer to get rolling in the morning... and an extra cup of coffee. Which I'm in desperate need of at the moment. Now, where is my walker?!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Walmart Happy Hour

Can someone please, please, please tell me what is the allure of socializing at Walmart!?! I try to remain anonymous for fear of someone I know seeing my dirty ripped shirt, and ratty hair. I don't always look like that but it's usually when I'm the nastiest that I need something from the store.
At any rate, I have been to Walmart stores in every Gulf Coast state and it's always the same...2 or more women hanging out in the aisle with 15 kids flailing about "catching up". Catching up to what?!? This is a small town, it's hard to miss anyone. Especially when you can measure their behinds with a yardstick (or two). They say American society is obsessed with belong thin but in this Texas town, Bigger Is Better!
I'm a southern girl born in Alabama and grew up south of the Mason Dixon my whole life. This means I know Southern Hospitality... but when it comes to Wally World all bets are off. When I'm not getting run down by Maw-Maw in the scooter, I deal with human roadblocks down every aisle, including employees!
When you walk up to these roadblocks, you would think that is enough of a signal for them to clear a path, just a small one that a poor soul could eke through. Oh but no, this earns you "The Look". You know, the one. The "who the hell are you interrupting my conversation, and I'm not moving my fat ass for nothin." Meanwhile, the little serial killers in the making are pulling crap from the shelves, spitting on the floor, and opening packages. ARRRGH! It's enough to pop a vein in my head!!
My husband, the "Ragin' Cajun"(yes folks, he's a bonafide Chalmatian) does a great job of getting down to their level. He barrels through smacking carts and looking like he's about to go postal. But he usually adds a comment of their sizes which scares me to death because...I know they could whup me from here to Sunday. I think they could pulverize Mark when you think of it.
Well, I certainly feel better! Except for the fact I need to go to the store for dinner. Damn!! Maybe if I wore battle gear?!...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sometimes The Best Presents Come After Christmas

Today was a good day. I had to work but the weather was nice, the coffee was good and the company was enjoyable. My friend Phyllis brought me a belated Christmas present-A book on Cookie decorating!

I made everyone cookie baskets for Christmas and had the best fun! I think they were a hit, no one has any left. I used recipes out of a 2006 Martha Stewart cookie magazine. They were pretty dang good if I say so myself. Anyway the cookie book is awesome! If I figure out scan and upload the image I will post it. I may make Valentines cookies. I resolved to eat healthier this year but it ain't happenin' so far.

My resolutions for 2008 are:
1. Get Organized
2. Eat Healthy (Oh well)
3. Commit to my business
4. Work on finishing my degree

My new business is a nursery that sells wholesale and retail. Of course this will be my first selling season. We have fabulous looking sedums and are working on perennials. My goal is to have a nursery that will support my family. This includes Mom, Dad, my brother Bryant, my sis-in-law Sylwia, and Phyllis. After that the kids can work when they are old enough. I work for a retail nursery now but I am so ready to run my own place. I have ideas for improvement but some people live in their own bubble. Therefore, I plan to be the BIC (Bitch in Charge) at my own nursery.

I only have four classes to get my degree but life keeps getting in the way. I usually do better when I'm over extended so hopefully I can make it happen. They are boring management and finance classes-and Physics! The bane of my school career!

Speaking of eating healthy... I hear Lemon Poppy Seed cookies calling my name!